step 1:

Upload your document in PDF format.

step 2:

Fill order form and verify the authenticity of your document.

step 3:

Decide method of shipping.

step 4:

Pay a total fee of $57

E Apostille on FBI Background Check

We, at E-Apostille, can provide you with all your document certification work. So you can initiate your order right now. Please use our E-Apostille (Electronic Apostille) service for your FBI Background check report, by uploading your document in PDF format to our website and fill up our order form, and specify which type of mail/courier we should use to send you back the Apostilled document. This way you will save a one-way postal (or courier) service cost, and time. Generally speaking, our fees for this type of service is a fixed $57. After certification is complete, you can use Fedex courier service, through which we will be able to expedite your documents efficiently and safely. The cost for using Fedex service is $5.00 U.S. Dollars.

The steps for conducting an FBI Background check report:  

Though it may take some time after you submit your request to hear back from the FBI, the application is actually quite simple. There are only four steps.

  1. The first step (finger print), is to fill out our application form, which can be found on your website ………………. 
  2. If someone suggested that you use the service of a Channeler, who is usually a contractor that serves as the conduit for submitting fingerprints to the FBI and receiving the FBI criminal history record, don’t do it; because the channelers will charge you somewhere between $100-200 USD. On the other hand, if you do it with us it will cost you $57.00 only, plus ……………………………………………………………………….

To order an FBI Background check, please follow our instructions set below: 

First step: 

The form you need to fill, or we fill it out on your behalf will contain basic information about you, including your name, citizenship, physical description, address, contact information and the reason for your request. If you need more than one report — in the event you are traveling or living overseas with a spouse, family, etc. — each person must fill out a form. And don’t forget to have each person sign their form.

Second Step is have your fingerprints taken by a fingerprint technician. Some printing companies will offer this service, or you can go through a private company or pay a small fee at a law enforcement agency. The FBI accepts FD-258 fingerprint cards on standard white paper stock; you can no longer download one online.

Third step: is to pay the relevant fees for the FBI report only: The cost of an FBI Identity History Summary is only $18. You have two different payment options. First, you can pay by credit card by filling out this form; just make sure to include the expiration date of your credit card.

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