What is BSE Free Certificate:  

The BSE abbreviation stands for “Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy”. This document is a certification that the cosmetic products in question are free from the “Mad Cow Disease”, and do not contain or manufactured from, or otherwise contain, prohibited cattle material.

step 1:

Upload your document in PDF format.

step 2:

Fill order form and verify the authenticity of your document.

step 3:

Decide method of shipping.

step 4:

Pay a total fee of $57

E Apostille is your point of contact to have your  BSE Free Certificate Apostilled. For this reason, you can use our E-Apostille (Electronic Apostille) service for your BSE Certificate by uploading your document in PDF format to our website and fill up our order form, and specify which type of mail/courier we should use to send you back the Apostilled document. This way you will save a one-way postal (or courier) service cost, and time. Generally speaking, our fees for this type of service is a fixed $62.0.

More on the BSE Free Certificate:  

A BSE Free, Certificate declares that the ingredients used in the products listed on the Certificate do not contain any prohibited materials and that the manufacturing process and packaging are equally free of contamination.

Countries request BSE Statements in order to prevent any imports to enter the country that could potentially contain ingredients associated with BSE/TSE.

A BSE-Free Certificate can be issued by a cosmetic association, such as ACMA, declares that the products listed do not contain any prohibited materials and that the manufacturing process and packaging are equally free of contamination.

This certificate is meant to prohibit the sale or export of any material that may include specified risk material, material from non-ambulatory cattle, material from cattle not inspected and passed, or mechanically separated beef. Prohibited cattle materials do not include tallow that contains no more than 0.15 percent insoluble impurities, tallow derivatives, and hides and hide-derived products, and milk and milk products. To learn more about this subject, a complete list of restricted and banned ingredients is available at the US FDA website www.fda.gov.

A BSE-Free Certificate issued by a cosmetic association, such as ACMA, declares that the products listed do not contain any prohibited materials and that the manufacturing process and packaging are equally free of contamination.

The BSE-Free Certificate can then be certified, authenticated and legalized, or certified and apostilled, for use in a foreign country.

A suggested text of the BSE certificate should specifically confirm that: 

a) The product has been produced exclusively from bovine, ovine or caprine obtained

 from cattle free from any kind of transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (T.S.E)

 and scrapie having passed ante and post mortem inspection.

 b) The raw materials have been collected from countries being

 according to official Knowledge up to date free from Bovine Spongiform

 Encephalopathy(B.S.E.) in its clinical form.

 c) Following the preparation of the product every precaution has been taken to

 prevent contamination.

 d) The finished product has been tested and found bacteriologically clean. 

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